Read more about the six experts in the programme committee for Winterwind 2020 here. The deadline to send in your abstracts and the Open Innovation Contest-sign up is extended until Nov 11!

Göran Ronsten
Ronsten holds a Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics. He’s carried out wind energy research for 20 years at the Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden (FFA) and the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). In 2007 Ronsten started his own consulting company WindREN. 2008-2015 he worked as project manager on behalf of the private developer O2. Ronsten has been the Swedish representative to IEA RD&D Wind, Task 19 – Wind Energy in Cold Climates 2002-2019, the secretary and O&M manager of the Swedish Wind Energy Coop 2002-2019 and the program coordinator of Winterwind 2008-2020.
Charles Godreau
As a specialist in assessing wind turbine performance in cold climates as well as icing detection/protection systems, Charles possesses strong skills in data analysis for operational turbines as well as for developing, planning and implementing research projects. He has participated in a number of conferences and represents Canada in the International Energy Agency’s Task 19 working group on wind energy in cold climates. In his free time, he enjoys white water canoe, splitboarding and improv theater.
Tanja Tränkle
Tanja has studied economics and international business in Germany. She has been working in the wind industry since 2008, mainly with planning and establishment of offshore wind farms. Since she joined RISE Research Institutes of Sweden she is focusing on the establishment of a full scale test site for wind power in cold climate in the North of Sweden. She is pushing for a sustainable world powered by renewable energy also in other projects. Outside working hours, yoga is her way of strengthening and relaxing body and mind.
Ville Valtteri Lehtomäki
Mr Lehtomäki has a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering (product development) from Helsinki University of Technology. Currently he works as Managing Director at Kjeller Vindteknikk Oy (Finnish office). In addition to managing the Finnish office’s commercial operations, his technical work today focuses on wind energy topics such as energy yield assessments, icing loss evaluations and wind measurement analyses. From 2009-2018 he worked at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd in Wind Power team. He was the Operating Agent of IEA Wind Task 19 from 2015-2018. In his spare time, he runs around badminton and floorball arenas and prefers downhill over cross-county skiing.
Sven-Erik Thor
Sven-Erik has a broad knowledge on research and development of wind power within Sweden and in the international market. His career includes; being head of wind RD&D at Vattenfall before his retirement. Participating in a number of EU projects on wind energy. Being a member of EU TpWind Steering Committee and services to the European Commission to evaluate proposals for framework programs. Initiated writings related “cold climate” EU R&D frame work programs. Sven-Erik has also been Operating agent for IEA Task 11 Base Technology Information Exchange.
Holds a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology. Started his career with work on fibre reinforced plastics. That’s how he came to work with windpower.
René Cattin
René Cattin holds a master degree in Geography. He works at Meteotest for almost 19 years. Since 2018, he is the CEO of Meteotest. He has been active in cold climate and wind energy since more than 15 years and was the Swiss representative of IEA Task 19 from 2009 to 2016. Outside the office, he is husband, father of three kids, a local green politician and always interested in rock music.
Last call for abstract, closes November 11 – submit abstract here!